
The Center for REALTOR® Development (CRD) makes it easy to become an ABR® member and offers special incentives to new members.

Details on Membership Fees

  • ABR® membership is $110 per year.
  • Students who complete the ABR® Designation Course receive their first year of membership free.
  • The free year of membership begins upon successful completion of the ABR® Designation Course—not when you apply. Each member is eligible for only one free year. Retaking the course will not restart a free membership period.
  • The second year is a proration of $110, based on the month you complete the Designation Course.
  • The third and following years are $110.

For example, if you complete the ABR® Designation Course in March, your membership dues would be:

  • Year 1: Free
  • Year 2: $82.53
  • Year 3: $110.00

Dues invoicing begins each November.

Use the table below to calculate your second year’s dues.

If you completed the ABR® Designation Course in: Your second-year dues will be:
December $110.00
January $100.87
February $91.70
March $82.53
April $73.36
May $64.19
June $55.00
July $45.85
August $36.68
September $27.51
October $18.34
November $9.17