How to Earn Your ABR®
The foundation of the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is a two-day course which is offered online, live interactive webinar, and in-person so you can learn at the pace that works with your busy schedule. To apply for your designation, you will also have to complete one elective course and confirm that you’ve completed five (5) transactions working solely as a buyer’s representative (no dual agency).

STEP 1. Complete the official two-day ABR® Designation Course.
- Available online through the Center for REALTOR® Development. For the online course only, an exam is required with a passing score of 80% or better.
- Available in a live classroom setting through CRD-licensed course providers (includes live virtual).
- After you complete this course you become an ABR® Candidate, you have three (3) years in which to complete the other ABR® designation requirements.

STEP 2. Complete one (1) qualifying elective course online or in-person.
- This elective course can be taken before completing the ABR® Designation Course or up to 3 years after.
- View Elective Options.

STEP 3. Confirm that you have completed five (5) transactions solely as a buyer's representative (no dual agency).
- This can include up to two leases, and these transactions do not need to fall within a specific period of time.

STEP 4. Submit your ABR® designation application
- If you have completed all of the designation requirements, it’s time to submit your application!
- Please note that you may not promote yourself as an ABR® until you are notified via email that you have been awarded the designation.

STEP 5. Maintain active membership status
To maintain your ABR® designation, you must keep an active membership with both the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and the Center for REALTOR® Development (CRD).
- Your first year of ABR® membership is free and begins when you complete the ABR® Designation Course—not when you apply.
- Your second year is prorated based on the month of course completion.
- From the third year onward, annual dues are $110.
Outside the U.S.? View International Designation Requirements.