Reprint Information | ABR®

Reprint Information

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(8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time: Monday - Friday)
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Why I earned my ABR®

  • The brochures, scripts, and monthly newsletter are full of helpful information that makes you a better agent and puts you above the crowd.

    Holly Riggins, ABR®
    Watford City, ND
    Holly Riggins, ABR designee

Member News

  • Get Ready for Gen Z Buyers

    Baby boomers and millennials have dominated the homebuying conversation in recent years, but Gen Z has “entered the chat.”

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  • Building Your Pipeline

    In light of the current market dynamics and shifting industry norms, it’s critical for buyer agents to prioritize building and nurturing their client pipeline like never before. With severely limited inventory, high interest rates, and high prices, the home search can be a lengthy and uncertain process for many buyers.

    Even if you have a healthy number of buyer-clients you’re currently working with, they may be slower to get to the closing table—if at all!

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