Brian T. Finley | ABR®
Certifications and Designations

Edmonton AB

Induction Date

Active in real estate both in the United States and Canada Brian is Broker/Owner of BUYER AGENT Brian & Company Real Estate in Edmonton Alberta, the only Exclusive Buyer Agency office in the Province. Brian was active in the development of exclusive buyer agency in the United States and continued to advocate for buyers when he moved to Canada in 1999. He brings first hand knowledge of advocating for buyers to the courses he now teaches as one of the first Canadian REBAC instructors.

Brian was a key contributor to the development and implementation of The HOME Program which helps low and moderate income families achieve the dream of homeownership. The program includes education, down payment assistance and support to insure sustainability to the new homeowner and has assisted over 800 families. He also serves as the Executor Director for the Central Edmonton Community Land Trust working to provide homeownership opportunities to low income families using a rent-to-own model developed around similar successful projects in the United States. 

In February 2011 Brian was recognized as REALTOR® of the Year by the Realtors® Association of Edmonton.